Tasty tomato tofu

I am the first to admit that I am at the more hardcore end of the vegetarian spectrum, and thus I understand that not everyone loves tofu as much as I do. But this is good. The Husb says it’s because the ‘umami’ flavour of the tomatoes goes really well with tofu. It’s loosely based on something I ate in a Vietnamese restaurant years ago – although it doesn’t seem especially Vietnamese to me! Other than the tofu. And it goes well with rice I suppose, although we didn’t have any this evening.

So. For the tofu, you will need:

  • 1 onion, halved and sliced
  • 1 clove garlic
  • Olive oil
  • 250g block tofu (buy eg Dragonfly / Clearspot from health food shop if you can – it’s much better)
  • 1 tin tomatoes (posh ones eg Cirio are worth it, otherwise you’ll probably need to add sugar)
  • Few drops Tabasco – I used the chipotle one, super yum

Fry the onion in the oil until browned. Add the garlic. Slice the tofu into six and add to the pan – I pushed the onion and garlic to the side. Fry until lightly golden. Add the tomatoes and cook for about 10 mins until reduced. Season and add Tabasco to taste – I used six drops. That’s it!

This goes really well with rice, but tonight we had already been snacking so I went for corn on the cob (from the veg box) and spring greens (80p for a great big bag – delicious, healthy and mega cheapo!) I boiled the corn until a fork would easily pierce the kernels. I used five big leaves from the greens, removed the stalks and chopped them into strips. I blanched them for a few mins in the sweetcorn water, then drained them well. I seasoned them with 1tsp light soy sauce, 1/2 tsp mirin and 1/2 tsp sesame oil. Butter would also work very well 🙂 I seasoned the corn cobs with salt and pepper, and voila!